Cloud-Based QA Testing Course

Part Time | 8 Weeks

Get your high-paying job
Cloud for tester
Cloud-Based QA Testing

Course Overview

Are you working as a QA Tester or wondering why you’re still looking for a job after QA Testing training?

We know that you contributed a lot to your team and your company as a software tester. However, the industry needs are changing towards a new future with cloud technologies. Job trends show the vulnerability of QA testing jobs, as well as Data Science & Developer roles. Most of those who quit jobs or graduate from bootcamps spend months getting back into work.

Don’t get caught with a resume lacking what top companies need! Get on the fast track to learn cloud-based testing to become a candidate everyone wants. You can level up with your career by enrolling cloud-based QA testing course

The world of software is constantly growing. Numerous software projects are released every day. In fact, software testing offers a very attractive career opportunity in the IT field. At the same time, lots of organizations take advantage of the enormous processing power and scaling opportunities offered by cloud computing. 

As Clarusway, we have brought these trends together and designed a new training program that offers a very attractive career: “Cloud Tester”. Get the cloud experience that you will showcase in the interviews and stand out in today’s job market.

Online Lesson Activity

100+ Hours Live In-Class

Online CMS Activity

20+ Hours CMS

Hands on Activies

Hands-on Activities

The Cloud-based QA Testing training is an 8-week program that includes more than 100 hours of in-class sessions and a bonus of 20+ hours of Career Management Services(CMS). Our specialty CMS activities for the cloud tester program include 3 life coaching sessions, 1 Resume building session, 2 Linkedin sessions, and an interview preparation support session.

Besides the curriculum, you will have the opportunity to practice what you have learned with 24 hands-on activities + 1 project at the end of the course.

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Option to work remote or in office anywhere in the world


In an ever evolving market


Cloud is the future, grap yourself a seat in the front line

Upcoming Programs

Cloud-Based QA Testers

Schedule : Part-time
Duration : 8 Weeks
Curriculum : Cloud For QA Testers 
Level : Beginner

  • Git/GitHub
  • Java

Wat Ga Je Leren?

ITF Graphicon

Cloud For QA Testers Curriculum

  • Linux
  • Network Essentials
  • Cloud Computing Basics
  • Getting Started with AWS
  • JSON/YAML/Cloudformation
  • AWS Identity & Access Management 
  • Amazon EC2 Types, Security Groups
  • EC2 Volumes
  • Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3)
  • Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (VPC)
  • Databases & RDS & DynamoDB
  • AWS Java SDK
  • Lambda
  • API Gateway
  • Cloudwatch
  • SQS & SNS

Frequently Asked Questions

This program is designed to upskill QA testers who want to benefit from the enormous opportunities of cloud computing. In this course, we assume that you are familiar with testing tools
Live in-class sessions will be held through zoom
In Clarusway, we have a comprehensive approach for students to learn smoothly. We have a proprietary LMS (Learning Management System) which is an all-in-one online platform. We designed our LMS in line with the learning pyramid theory that allows you to start learning before in-class by pre-class activities, reinforce learning after class by post-class assignments, and watch the recordings of in-class sessions whenever you want. You will have access to LMS content until three months after the course. You can ask questions to instructors during in-class sessions on a dedicated Slack channel. Similarly, there is a dedicated Q&A channel where you can send your questions 24/7 to be answered as soon as possible.

We provide various payment options like:

The Cloud-Based QA Testing Course prepares you to work as a software tester that evaluates the apps on a cloud computing system for performance, security, scalability, and reliability. In this position, you work in a tech company that uses a cloud computing infrastructure.
Cloud testing entails using specialized tools for specific tests, such as performance, load, stress, and security. Additionally, companies can leverage entire, end-to-end testing as a service (TaaS) product.
The following software testings are frequently performed in cloud environments.
  • Functional testing
  • System testing
  • Stress testing
  • Load testing
  • Latency testing
  • Performance testing
  • Availability testing
  • Multi-tenancy testing
  • Security testing
  • Disaster recovery testing
  • Browser performance testing
  • Compatibility testing
The following are some of the key advantages of cloud testing:
  • Cost-effectiveness
  • Availability and collaboration
  • Scalability
  • Faster testing
  • Customization
  • Simplified disaster recovery
The following Cloud testing tools are often used:
  • SOASTA CloudTest
  • LoadStorm
  • BlazeMeter
  • Nessus
  • App Thwack
  • Jenkins Dev@Cloud
  • Xamarin test cloud
  • AppPerfect
  • Cloudsleuth
  • Watir     
  • Testsigma
The Cloud Tester evaluates the apps on a cloud computing system for performance, security, scalability, and reliability.

The Most prominent cloud testing providers are:

  •  AWS (Device Farm)
  • Sauce Labs
  • Xamarin Test Cloud.

AWS cloud testing tools are;

  • AWS Inspector — Security testing tool
  • AWS Device Farm — Automated testing tool
  • AWS Fault Injection Simulator — Infrastructure testing tool